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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:33:26
  • 单语例句

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1. Some countries including the United States also laid out favorable policies for ethnic minorities, but the scale and degree of these policies are not comparable to China's.

2. Although the creator of the game is unknown, the report says it to some degree reflects Chinese people's attitudes towards modern women.

3. A system requiring land should be returned to some degree of its former state after it is damaged in the process of an industrial venture.

4. Three months later, the trio found that sperm gathered from the mice was deformed to some degree.

5. Many people 55 and older have some degree of immunity to the swine flu virus, perhaps from exposure decades ago to a similar virus or vaccine.

6. We have delivered last year about 66 million treatments below cost - we are subsidizing it to some degree.

7. Some local officials'tendency to manipulate statistical data has resulted in a degree of popular disbelief in government figures.

8. Working on some projects for professor leads many doctoral degree students to believe they can perform well in their jobs.

9. More than 67 percent of respondents said the economy was overheating to some degree while 32 percent thought the economic situation remained normal.

10. The health of the European economy is tracked to some degree with the behavior of the eurodollar exchange rate.

to some degree的解释


1. Economists cannot predict with any great degree of accurancy just when an upturn or a downturn will occur, but a study of such cycles does show that business activity tends to follow some kind of wavelike pattern and is not merely an assortment of random moves.

2. to some degree

2. So in certain degree, it will have some valuation to the operating of our country's VC firm.

3. to some degree的解释

3. Various kinds of law rules of safety of our country have been to some high degree.

4. to some degree什么意思

4. I agree, to some degree, that her physical attractiveness is not the important issue.

5. I am particularly unlucky in meeting with a person so well able to expose my real character, in a part of the world where I had hoped to pass myself off with some degree of credit.

6. To name the housing estate discretionarily aggrieves the rights and interests of customers in some degree, which urgently needs correlative laws of restriction and protection to promote its healthy development.

7. On the minerogenetic category because of nature diffirence of country rock, though major ore deposit is porpyry, but some formed skarns, some formed massive sulfide type; in addition, Because of acidic degree and difference of regional geochemistry, except for copper ore deposit, some give priority to gold, Small number ore deposit give priority to molybdenum.


8. We should acknowledge that the authoritarian regime has its own historical inevitability, to some degree, but we should not prettify it.

9. For a while he was able to control affairs with some degree of accuracy.

10. Major with white green red, up dress is fit or same for colour, major with undertint or color, trousers is major with jeans, suspension band dress break out half of back body, basseting navel 10cm beside up and down, some hair of navel appear, the shoes is major with slipper stilt-shoe, all kinds of colour, rump up and being 120 degree with body, abdomen stick out, become S type, hair spread over the shoulder, yellow or dithered color is nice, some hair together up the head, someone together two side hair with hair clasp, light dress up face, lipstick nature, face is red, many with glasses that are big glasses, grape red, up on the head, every woman have a bag with itself, white more, it is same color or fit with up dress, but color light. woman walk fast, body straight, eye sight forword, sometimes their dress fit whit mate, night dress may dress to street.
以百色、绿色、红色为主,上衣与鞋颜色相配或一致,以浅色或彩色为主,长裤以牛仔为主,吊带装露背1/2,露胸及乳房的1/3,腰间露肚脐上下各10cm ,下部微露毛;鞋以拖鞋及高跟鞋为主,五颜六色,臀部上翘与腰成120度夹角,腹部前挺,呈大 S 型,头发以披散为多,长以过肩为界,黄色或杂色娇美,打发髻较高,或用小发卡夹住两边各一小绺,面部以淡妆为主,口红自然色,面颊微红,戴眼镜较多,以大镜片,葡萄红为主,戴在头顶作装饰较多,小肩包人人有,以白色居多,但一般与上衣搭配较合理,较衣服色浅。一般走路较快,身体笔直,不左右看。同性相伴造型一至,有时颜色统一。一般睡衣可以上街穿。

11. to some degree的翻译

11. Abstraet:Guangxi was once an important habitat of the panthera tigris amoyensis in history. Guangxi experienced one serious process of a tiger disaster during the Ming and Qing Dynasties; especially in the middle and late period of the Ming Dynasty, the initial and last stages of the Qing Dynasty, the tiger disaster was even more serious in Guangxi. The tiger disaster during the three periods reflected that the artificial ecological environment of Guangxi presented the natural degeneration to some degree because of the chaos caused by war. Uncultivated field led to the recurrence of the secondary vegetation, which caused the eruption of the tiger disaster.

12. to some degree

12. To some degree, these stock market prediction methods have revealed the running rule of stock market.

13. Some Leica users, and to a lesser degree some Contax users, talk about a certain family look to their lenses.

14. this paper makes the gas remote monitor network as background to do some research on the qos guarantee of the network. qos is a synthesis guide line which can be used to estimate the degree to satisfy with some server, which is a technology to solve the problem of delay and congestion in network. it must integrate multi-qos mechanism to get good qos guarantee in the practical application. three qos models in the ip net application and homologized affective factors are demonstrated. meanwhile, the field of qos protection strategy arrangement in shaanxi coal mine gas network has been picked up as the example. for this situation, the comparison to the different qos models is doing strictly. by combining the tcp congestion control arithmetic with ip congestion control arithmetic, the paper also emphatically describes the corresponded arithmetic model for that. stimulatingly, it is promoted the qos characteristic over-area effectively, which it is based on the original single congestion control.
摘 要:以陕西煤矿瓦斯监测远程联网为背景,研究其联网网络的qos保障策略实现。由于现有的各种qos实现机制无法单独为陕西煤矿瓦斯监测联网网络的qos提供保障,因此在实际应用中必须结合多种机制才能得到较好的qos保障效果。比较了传统ip网络的qos结构体系,通过分析intserv和diffserv两种模型的基本原理、工作方式,并指出其各自的优缺点和网络应用环境,设计了将rsvp协议与diffserv模型相结合来满足瓦斯监测数据传输实时性的要求;针对陕西煤矿瓦斯联网的特性,提出了将tcp拥塞控制算法与ip层拥塞控制算法相结合的算法模型,并且该模型的应用可以在原有单一拥塞控制的基础上有效地提升跨地区网络的qos特性。

15. It seems to me that I have found some degree of transcendence in many people other than self-actualizing ones as I have defined this term

16. to some degree

16. So if he and his family were going to celebrate the first day of spring in true Iraqi style, but with some degree of safety, Mehdi felt he had but one choice: Baghdad.

17. Interlayer oxidized zone can be divided accurately by Fe_2O_3, Fe_2O_3/FeO and U parameters. We can correct the field macroscopic color zoning by combining the macroscopic zoning and microscopic zoning. Univalent major elements components(Al_2O_3, SiO_2, K_2O, Na_2O) show remarkable activity at the process of interlayer oxidizing, their contents are variable and mingled in different zones and it can't be used in zoning. But we can speculate the developmental degree of interlayer oxidized zone and uranium mineralization according to the concentration trends and variation characteristics of sensitivity group, activity group and their ratios.(3)The comparatively steady elements such as lithiphile elements, sulfophile elements and high field strength elements change regularly at the process of interlayer oxidation except some radioactive elements. Trace elements and rare earth elements commonly enrich in thin rock clast such as mudstone, in which the enriched elements species are more than those in the whole rock, which indicate that the regeneration action in caulking matter are more deep than that in whole rock at the process of interlayer oxidation, and the reallocate intention of trace elements in main minerlized rock in Tuha basin are more intensive than that in Yili basin at the process of deposition, diagenesis and later changes.

18. I realize later, with some degree of understanding, that Mike was the hunter holding me down and I am the bird that longs to fly.

19. Even though the admission eligibility varies from business schools to business schools, but in general you to pass a bachelor`s degree from a recognized university, good communication skill in English and some work experience is good to have.

20. to some degree的近义词

20. Some of his conditions—say, over the degree of demilitarisation of a Palestinian state—are likely to be open to negotiation.

Everyone else is afraid, to some degree or another.(从某种程度上说,每个人都害怕。)
Many schools are already doing this to some degree.(很多学校在某些程度上已经这样做了。)
Every new mother I know has had the pleasure of that experience to some degree.(我认识的每一位新生儿母亲,在某种程度上,都非常享受那种积累经验的过程。)
I do think it's insulation in very category to some degree.(我确实认为,这是一种孤立,在一定程度上,是范畴问题。)
And it is also, I hope, to some degree, our fault.(某种程度上,我倒希望这是我们的错。)
And we all to some degree embody this quality in ourselves.(我们多少也都,体现了这种质量。)
To some degree, we are totally different people in terms of creativity.(在某种程度上,我们在创造性方面完全不是一类人。)
All animals can regenerate to some degree.(所有的动物都有某种程度的再生能力。)
And that was to some degree a diffusion of our energies.(这从一定程度上分散了我们的精力。)
The JSR-166 expert group (see Resources) anticipated this situation, to some degree.(JSR-166专家组(参见参考资料)在一定程度上预测到了这一情形。)
to some degree是什么意思 to some degree在线翻译 to some degree什么意思 to some degree的意思 to some degree的翻译 to some degree的解释 to some degree的发音 to some degree的同义词